IJIEG Call for Papers - 2024

IJIEG is published bi-annually. Manuscripts will be accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are original contributions to the existing knowledge in the fields of:

Islamic Economics
Islamic Monetary Economics
Islamic Models of Macroeconomics
Islamic Money Market
Islamic Commercial Law
Business Ethics in Islamic Perspective
Islamic Social Finance (Zakat, Waqf, Charity)
Labor and welfare economics
Development Zakat and awqaf Institutions
Fintech, Blockchain, and Innovative Islamic Financial Models
Fundamentals of Islamic Banking and Finance reflecting trends and opportunities
Risk management in Islamic Finance, Corporate finance
Islamic Corporate governance
Compliant Management styles and strategies in Shariah
Historical Background of Islamic Banking and Finance
Investment strategy under Islamic Finance
Housing finance by Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs)
Customer relationship management and service quality (IFIs)
Islamic Political economy
Analysis of Islamic and conventional financial institutions
Islamic capital markets
Takaful and Risk Management

Why Publish with IJIEG?

No Article Processing Charges
First Decision Within 15 Days
Open Access and Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
No Publication Charges
DOI availability

Article submission: https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/IJIEG

For Information:
+92 336 5685353