The Impact of Physical and Human Capital Spending on Labour Productivity in Nigeria Maritime Sector (1985 – 2022)
Government Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product, Human and Physical Capital, Labour productivity, Ordinary Least Squares, Per Capita IncomeAbstract
It is evidenced from the available data that labour productivity in Nigeria Maritime Sector has generally recorded an abysmally low rate over the years. In addition to this, it is also revealed that much has not been invested by government on human capital and physical infrastructures in the country over the same period. In recent years, the Nigerian government increased her expenditure on education, health care services and infrastructures such as road constructions and within the same period, there was a marginal increase in labour productivity in Nigeria Maritime Sector. This research study uses Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method to provide an econometric assessment of the subject matter. This study does so by ascertaining the relationship between these two forms of government spending and labour productivity and analyzing their impact on other macroeconomic variables such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and per capita income. Overall findings reveal that in the long run, human and physical capital spending is an important determinant of labour productivity, which will in turn, impact positively on the performance of Nigerian economy. While increase in government total expenditure on education not backed up by corresponding investment in real capital project and power sector development will impact its labour productivity negatively with its attendant effect on the economy.
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