Balancing Job Satisfaction in High-Performance Work Systems: The Dual Role of Job Control and Work Overload


  • Muhammad Adeel Afzal COMSATS University
  • Uzma Bashir Minhaj University Lahore



High Performance Work System, Work Overload, Job Control, Job Satisfaction


This study examines the differential impact of High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS), workload, and job control on job satisfaction among IT personnel. HPWS, a set of human resource practices to enhance employee and organizational effectiveness, can have unintended negative consequences, such as work overload. Using a sample of 173 experienced IT professionals from various organizations in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, this research investigates the complex relationships between HPWS, job satisfaction, work overload, and job control. Linear regression analysis reveals a positive relationship between HPWS and job satisfaction; however, work overload fully mediates this relationship, highlighting the potential drawbacks of HPWS implementation. Crucially, job control emerges as a critical moderator, mitigating the negative consequences of work overload and enhancing the positive effects of HPWS on job satisfaction. The findings provide valuable insights for top management seeking to design jobs that promote productivity, commitment, and job satisfaction while minimizing workload. By understanding the dual role of job control and work overload in HPWS, organizations can optimize their human resource strategies to foster a more balanced and fulfilling work environment. This study contributes to the existing literature on HPWS and job satisfaction, emphasizing the importance of considering the interplay between HPWS, workload, and job control in enhancing employee outcomes. The results significantly impact organizational policy and practice, particularly in the IT sector. In the future, researchers should aim to highlight the impact of HPWS on turnover intention or organizational commitment and examine the moderating effect of job control on turnover intention.


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How to Cite

Afzal, M. A. ., & Uzma Bashir. (2024). Balancing Job Satisfaction in High-Performance Work Systems: The Dual Role of Job Control and Work Overload. Minhaj International Journal of Economics and Organization Sciences, 4(2), 78–101.



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