Impact of Online Reviews on Hotel Booking Decision


  • Badar Un Nisa COTHM University



Online Review, Decision making, Guest Satisfaction, Consumer Preferences


The study looks into the high effect of online customer reviews towards hotel room booking decision, it’s a significant aspect of customers’ behavior and digital change in the hotel industry. The research uses qualitative method by doing interview on the related those are consume or use digital review and hotel managements to conclude the effect on internet reviews on consumer preference or choices. The survey sought to identify what information consumers are looking for when they shop for hotel bookings, and it was clear that genuine and informative reviews clearly have a major impact on booking choices. Another finding of the survey is that people also considered matters of location and price, which were also judged to be important. When it comes to bad reviews from consumers, hotels can try to clean it up with the right response to the patron—especially if what they wrote is quite lengthy. But regardless of what hoteliers can do or say, the damage is already done. It really one of the most basic, over all critical elements in practicing the rules to an sustainable reputation campaign.

The report examines how confident customers are in online reviews and shows the levels of skepticism there is as well as the methods to tell if a review is real or fake. Social proof in reviews and hotel reviews play an important role in travel and booking decisions. This study has implications for both hotel operators, in that it underscores the need for a deliberate approach to managing online reputation and engaging with customer reviews, and for online travel agencies, in that it highlights the risk of various forms of review fraud, including shilling and the planting of negative reviews.

The suggested response means that the key to positively impacting booking decisions and increasing guest satisfaction is to engage with reviews, using them as an ongoing tool for improvement and ensuring online representations match the real guest experience. Research has given us an insight as to how customers are changing in the era of digital media, especially in travel and tourism, focusing on the hotel businesses and the elves the web is giving their customers. This research could be used as a stepping-stone for studying other topics including various digital marketing strategies, the psychological factors of online evaluations, website motivations and new review platforms, to have a better understanding of the digital revolution in the hotel industry.


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How to Cite

Badar Un Nisa. (2024). Impact of Online Reviews on Hotel Booking Decision. Minhaj International Journal of Economics and Organization Sciences, 4(2), 38–53.



Articles (English)