Impact of Stock Repurchase Decision on Firm Performance: An Analysis of Pakistani Firms


  • Ayesha Bashir IBIT Punjab University, Lahore
  • Sohail Nawaz Malhi Government College University, Lahore
  • Muhammad Haseeb Mirza Professional Academy of Commerce (PAC), Lahore



EPS Growth, Firm's Performance, Capital Structure, Shareholders Presure


This study examined the long-term performance of the firm and the factors that influence a company’s decision to engage in stock repurchase. The intricate relationship between stock repurchase decisions and their impact on firm performance focuses on several key factors: financial position, stock price, shareholders pressure, EPS growth, investment opportunities, and financial position. Stock repurchases have become a common financial strategy, aiming to optimize their capital structure and enhance shareholders’ value. The outcome of this study provides valuable insight for corporate decision-makers, investors, and regulators, helping them better understand the intricate relationship between stock repurchase decisions and the financial health and strategic positioning of firms in a dynamic and competitive market environment.


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How to Cite

Bashir, A., Malhi, S. N., & Mirza, M. H. (2024). Impact of Stock Repurchase Decision on Firm Performance: An Analysis of Pakistani Firms. Minhaj International Journal of Economics and Organization Sciences, 4(1).



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