Influence of Leadership Styles on Organizational Learning: Case Study of Private and Public Universities in Pakistan


  • Muntazir Hussain COMSATS University Islamabad



Leadership, Transactional leadership, Transformational leadership, Organizational learning


Leadership is to keep things in an absolute direction, its concern not only related to the splendid acts but also keep the team on straight direction with the help of learning organizational procedures, practices, and encourage team members to achieve set target with combine efforts. The focus of this study is to examine the role of transactional and transformational leadership on learning organizations by using Full Range Leadership Theory (FRLT). Transactional leadership measured by three dimensions; contingent reward, management by exception-active and exception-passive. Transformational leadership has four dimensions; idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual stimulation. Feedback sought from faculty and non-faculty from public and private selected 10 universities (5 public and 5 private universities) in Pakistan, within the radius of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Contingent reward in terms of transaction leadership, on the other side idealized influence, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration in terms of transformational leadership showed strong contribution for organizational learning. From comparative results, significant differences were noted in organizational leadership among these sectors. The study also confirmed FRLT perspective that end up by providing conclusion and future recommendations.


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How to Cite

Hussain, M. . (2023). Influence of Leadership Styles on Organizational Learning: Case Study of Private and Public Universities in Pakistan. Minhaj International Journal of Economics and Organization Sciences, 3(2).



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