Measuring Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction in Determining ATM Service Quality and Customer Retention in Banking Sector of Pakistan


  • Muhammad Adnan Fraz COMSATS University
  • Asma Shabbir Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad



Services quality, Customer Retention, Customer Satisfaction, Banks, ATM, Pakistan


This study endeavors to investigate Bank ATM users' view towards perceived service quality and their retention. Mediating role of customer satisfaction was also explored. Ranking of ATM services was also measured.  A cross-sectional research where 378 ATM users of three public sector universities of the capital city of Islamabad, Pakistan participated. Self-administered questionnaires were used for data collection. For mediation Regression analysis in SPSS was used. Results show that Service quality attributes contribute positively and significantly towards customer retention and customer satisfaction. Partial mediation was found in the relationship of service quality attributes and customer retention. The result can be useful for banks in observing and enhancing ATM service quality.


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How to Cite

Fraz, M. A., & Shabbir, A. (2023). Measuring Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction in Determining ATM Service Quality and Customer Retention in Banking Sector of Pakistan. Minhaj International Journal of Economics and Organization Sciences, 3(2).



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