Contingency Management in achieving Maritime Supply Chain Resilience using 4A approach to enhance Port Performance in Pakistan.


  • Shahrukh Zohaib Bahria University - Maritime Sciences Dept
  • Bushra Rafaqat Commercial Associate , SinoTrans Logistics Pakistan Pvt Ltd.
  • Muhammad Jahanzaib Sultan Import Pricing Manager, Awan Maritime Agencies



Maritime Supply Chain, Supply Chain Resilience, Port Performance, Agility, Ambidexterity, Alignment, Adaptability, Contingency Management, Covid 19


This study investigates the role of contingency management in enhancing maritime supply chain resilience to improve port performance in Pakistan, focusing on disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the 4A framework Agility, Adaptability, Alignment, and Ambidexterity this research explores how these capabilities mitigate operational disruptions and improve port efficiency. A quantitative research design was employed, collecting data from 320 professionals in Pakistan's maritime sector through a structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using SPSS software, employing techniques such as reliability, correlation, and regression analysis. Results demonstrate that agility, alignment, and ambidexterity significantly influence port performance, enhancing responsiveness, stakeholder collaboration, and balance between innovation and operational efficiency. However, adaptability showed an insignificant impact due to rigid infrastructural limitations in the regional context. The study emphasizes the integration of the 4A framework to build resilient supply chains, showcasing its potential to address vulnerabilities exposed during the pandemic. By providing actionable insights, this research contributes to the academic literature and offers practical strategies for strengthening maritime supply chain robustness in developing economies.


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How to Cite

Zohaib, S., Rafaqat, B. ., & Sultan, M. J. . (2024). Contingency Management in achieving Maritime Supply Chain Resilience using 4A approach to enhance Port Performance in Pakistan. Journal of Nautical Eye and Strategic Studies, 4(2), 36–51.


