Fish as a Healthy Source of Human Nutrition: An Exploratory Study


  • Prof Dr Sajid Mehmood Shahzad Minhaj University Lahore



Fish, Seafood, Nutrition, Benefits, Human Health


This study posits that fishery industry has an important role in the global economy and is performing two functions – economic development and food production. The production of fish primarily occurs through two main methods: capture fishing, where commercial exploitation of the wild stocks occurs; and culture fishery, which is known as aquaculture and is the process of fish breeding in a controlled environment. One of the broadest classifications for fish are finfish and shellfish; the latter provide many vital nutrients and play an important role in global food security. Fish is the main source of food with high nutritional value that has an abundance of high-quality protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals yet is a low-fat food. On top of that, it has proved to be a great choice for those that want to remain in the healthy weight category as well as those that are in the process of shedding their excess weight. The protein contained in fish is highly absorbable and comes with good amounts of both essential and non-essential amino acids that are critically needed for the body's well-being. This study is having an exploratory to present the data combined with observations and facts based on content analysis.


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How to Cite

Shahzad, P. D. S. M. (2024). Fish as a Healthy Source of Human Nutrition: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Nautical Eye and Strategic Studies, 4(1), 1–22.


