Impact of Instructional Coaching on Teaching-Learning Process


  • Dr. Lubna Quddus Warsi University of ISP Multan
  • Razia Sultana University of ISP Multan, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Toheed Akhter University of ISP Multan, Pakistan.



Instructional Coaching, Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Teaching-learning process.


The study aims to evaluate the impact of ‘Instructional Coaching’ on teaching-learning process. The study highlights the significance of instructional coaching for supporting both teachers and students. It emphasizes the need for effective instructional coaching programs, aligned with individual teacher needs, to foster a culture of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). It also explores the implementation of instructional coaching and its influence on student learning outcomes. The study follows descriptive quantitative research design.  A sample of 340 secondary school teachers of District Muzaffargarh was selected using simple random sampling. A self-structured questionnaire was developed. The findings display a positive view of instructional coaching, recognizing its potential to enhance teaching practices and improve student outcomes. Instructional coaching positively impacts student engagement, academic achievement, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, instructional coaching is seen as a valuable continuous professional development opportunity for teachers, fostering a collaborative learning environment and improving job satisfaction and motivation.


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How to Cite

Warsi, D. L. Q., Sultana, R. ., & Muhammad Toheed Akhter. (2024). Impact of Instructional Coaching on Teaching-Learning Process. Journal of Professional Research in Social Sciences, 11(1), 309–343.



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