Role of New Media in Good Governance: A Study of Disaster Management Authorities of Pakistan


  • Dr. Sumera Batool Lahore College for Women University
  • Aqsa Zaffer , Lahore College for Women University
  • Dr. Feroza Batool Senior Manager Programme Implementation Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)



New Media, Good Governance, Disaster Management Authorities


The research focuses on the use of social media platforms, specifically Twitter and Facebook, by Pakistan's Disaster Management Authorities during climate disasters in 2022, Murree Snow Storm, Karachi Monsoon rainfall, and floods. Thematic content analysis was conducted to evaluate the type of information disseminated by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Provincial disaster management authorities of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, and Baluchistan on their Twitter and Facebook. In the light of managerial model, this study indicated that the information posted on the disaster management authorities' social media handles can be categorized into five categories: weather updates, aid distribution, rescue operations, precautionary measures, and other information. Notably, most of this information was posted after the occurrence of the respective natural disasters. The Punjab Disaster Management Authority performed commendably during the floods, actively posting about rescue operations and aid efforts. Similarly, the Sindh Disaster Management Authority demonstrated increased activity during the Karachi Monsoon rainfall, sharing updates on weather, aid, and rescue operations. During the Murree Snowstorm, both the NDMA and Punjab Disaster Management Authority informed the public about weather updates, rescue operations, and aid initiatives for the affected citizens. Likewise, the NDMA and PDMA’s posted warnings, precautions, and aid-related information during the floods. However, their overall performance indicated that the disaster management authorities are still in the preliminary stages of implementing e- governance to attain good governance. Not to mention, NDMA and PDMA’s cater to the outcomes of disaster rather than working on the measures to minimize the factors for disaster.

Author Biographies

Dr. Sumera Batool, Lahore College for Women University

Department of Mass Communication

Aqsa Zaffer, , Lahore College for Women University

Department of Mass Communication


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How to Cite

Dr. Sumera Batool, Aqsa Zaffer, & Batool, D. F. . (2024). Role of New Media in Good Governance: A Study of Disaster Management Authorities of Pakistan. Journal of Professional Research in Social Sciences, 11(1), 239–265.



Articles (English)