The Moderating Effect of Religiosity on Rejection Sensitivity and Depression in Adolescents

Rejection Sensitivity, Depression & Religiosity


  • Summayya Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Lahore (Sargodha Campus)
  • Dr. Sadia Malik Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Sargodha



Depression, rejection sensitivity, religiosity, adolescents


The present study analyzed the link between rejection sensitivity depressive symptoms and religiosity in adolescents.  The sample was comprised of 500 adolescents (age range 18-22, male = 200, female= 300), recruited from Sargodha and Lahore.  Short Muslims Beliefs and Practices Questionnaire, Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire and Depression subscale of Four Dimensional Psychiatric Symptoms were used to measure the variables. Results indicated rejection sensitivity as significant positive predictor of depressive symptoms, and religiosity as negative predictor of depressive symptoms. Stepwise regression analysis demonstrated significant moderating role of religiosity in relationship between rejection sensitivity and depressive symptoms. Significant gender differences were seen for religiosity, rejection sensitivity as female adolescents showed high religiosity and rejection sensitivity than their counterparts. No significant gender variations were observed in depressive symptoms.  Findings highlighted the buffering effects of religiosity as the link between depression and rejection sensitivity varies at different levels of religiosity. 


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How to Cite

Summayya, & Malik, D. S. (2024). The Moderating Effect of Religiosity on Rejection Sensitivity and Depression in Adolescents: Rejection Sensitivity, Depression & Religiosity. Journal of Professional Research in Social Sciences, 11(1), 192–210.



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