Loneliness and Depression: Investigating the Mediated Moderated Role of Social Media Addiction and Religiosity


  • Tayyeb Ramazan University of Lahore
  • Abul Hassan University of Lahore
  • Abdul Basit UMT, Lahore




Social Media Addiction, Depression, Loneliness, Religiosity


This study aims to study the social media addiction and religiosity that may create loneliness and depression in the users and to examine the factors that affect user's experiences and levels of suffering in their life. Loneliness and depression are major mental health problems that affect individuals worldwide, and investigating the factors that contribute to these conditions is essential for effective intervention strategies. With a quantitative approach, data will be collected from a diverse sample of participants, using validated measures to assess loneliness, depression, social media addiction, and religiosity. Advanced statistical techniques such as regression and moderation analysis will be used to analyze the data and determine the extent to which social media addiction can be a potential moderator of loneliness and depression, as well as religiosity. It mediates relationships between characters. By examining these factors, the primary objective of this study is to delve into the intricate dynamics among loneliness, depression, social media addiction, and religiosity in order to gain a more profound comprehension of their interrelationships.


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How to Cite

Ramazan, T., Hassan, A., & Basit, A. (2023). Loneliness and Depression: Investigating the Mediated Moderated Role of Social Media Addiction and Religiosity. Journal of Professional Research in Social Sciences, 10(2), 117–133. https://doi.org/10.58932/MULA0017



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