The Effects of Psychological Factors on Male Youth Violent Behavior in Pakistan
Violence Psychological, Youth, Behavior, Aggression,Abstract
Pakistan is a country prone to violence at every level either in national or at wider level. There is a miss notion that violence among youth in Pakistan is generally linked with religious thoughts. Same as other countries where certain factors are answerable for violence, Youth in Pakistan is faceted of violence due to certain factors. Violence and delinquency are considered more prevalent among youth in Pakistan. The following study was an effort to understand the male youth violent behavior patterns. The objective of the study was to identify different factor associated with violence among male youth in District Rawalpindi. Sample consisted of total 355 respondents from the district Rawalpindi province of Punjab. Proportionate random sampling technique was used to draw the sample from the total population of study areas. There is considerable continuity from childhood aggression to youth violence particularly. Furthermore, the result shows that major long-term predictors are Psychological factors and family factors were responsible among male youth violent behavior. The study also confirmed that positive parental practices were inversely related to violent behavior. In the light of these findings, there is a need of attractive children with their parents in order to develop positive parenting practices to control violent behavior.
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