Zoraiz https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/zoraiz <div class="description"> <p align="left">ZORAIZ is a peer-reviewed journal to disseminate quality research from across the world in the field of Social Sciences particularly the Urdu language with an emphasis on the Islamic perspective. Zoraiz, sponsored and published by the Center for Research and Development at Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan.</p> <p>Zoraiz team has the aim to provide an active platform to the researchers, authors and pen wilders to share their innovative and value-added ideas, thoughts, solutions, and knowledge in the form of scholarly writings. Zoraiz publishes articles that report empirical research, both quantitative and qualitative that expands knowledge about languages particularly Urdu. Editors will consider manuscripts that make significant contributions to the literature in Urdu and other language-related studies.</p> </div> Faculty of Languages en-US Zoraiz 2414-8504 اردو لطائف کا اولین مجموعہ:''لطائف ہندی''از للولال کوی (انیسویں صدی کی اشاعتوں کا تحقیقی تناظر) https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/zoraiz/article/view/612 <p><em>In 19<sup>th</sup> century, Fort William College played a vital pivotal to promote Urdu prose. Lallu Laal Kavi is a prominent name of this college who is the author of many books like Betal Pacheesi, Sanghasan Bateesi and Prem Sagar. His book ‘Lataif e Hindi’ is the earlier collection of humorist stories in Urdu, published in 1810 by Indian Press Calcutta. This article is a research base study of its different editions and comparative study of the criticism that was written about it in different times.</em></p> Dr. Naseem Abbas Ahmar Copyright (c) 2024 Zoraiz 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 10 2 1 11 10.58932/MULC0024 اشفاق احمد کے ادبی و شخصی رویوں پر اٹلی کے اثرات https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/zoraiz/article/view/613 <p><em>Ashfaq Ahmad is one of the brightest stars on the horizon on Pakistani Urdu literature. This article explores how Ashfaq Ahmad’s stay in Italy generally, and Rome particularly, impacted his personality and works. It further highlights how the observations and experiences of Rome that had him spell bound till his last breath, broadened the emotional and intellectual vistas of writer par excellence. moreover, his meetings with the intelligentsia of the time and the influence of the Roman culture that shaped his literary and scholastic writings, remain the focus of this paper.</em></p> Dr. Shazia Sadaf Copyright (c) 2024 Zoraiz 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 10 2 13 20 10.58932/MULC0025 مقدمات’ بوطیقا ‘(اردو)کا تنقیدی مطالعہ https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/zoraiz/article/view/615 <p><em>‘Poetics’ holds the ultimate remarkable status in the global context of literary criticism. Even after two thousand years, the debates on determining the standards of poetry are a tribute to this book. It has been translated into every major language of the world. In Urdu, the series of its translations have been started in 1941. The special thing about these translations is their prefaces. Among these preface writers, the names of Aziz Ahmad, Jameel Jalibi, Muhammad Yasin and Shams ur Rahman Farooqi are included. In addition to highlighting its importance ,its post effects have also been highlighted in comparison with the literature of other languages&nbsp;&nbsp; of the world .In this article, the major critical trends of ‘Poetics’ and characteristics of these prefaces are being reviewed.</em></p> Dr. Sumaira Ejaz Copyright (c) 2024 Zoraiz 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 10 2 21 37 10.58932/MULC0026 نوجوان نسل میں اخلاقی بگاڑ، اس کے اسباب اور فکرِ اقبال کی روشنی میں ان کا حل https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/zoraiz/article/view/616 <p><em>Our young generation is suffering from moral corruption. Our youth is helpless in the face of invasion in the name of Western liberalism, enlightenment, industrial development and technology. They have inherited the western cultural stare; the effects of electronic media, but the effects of internet and social media are adversative.</em></p> <p><em>Lack of moral training, social values, class system of education, unfair economic distribution, unemployment, secularism, promotion of negative thinking, showmanship, absence of collective ideals, dearth of right people, lack of proper guidance and hopelessness is one of the major factors that are highlighted in detail in this paper.</em></p> <p><em>It is also be discussed how all these problems can be overcome through the promotion of Iqbal’s Thought. How can Iqbal's philosophy of the self, the concept of the perfect (P.B.U.H) man and the love of the Prophet bring the young generation closer to religion. Why has Iqbal compared the young man to Shaheen? What qualities must be developed in the young generation to revive the glorious traditions of the Muslim Ummah.</em></p> Dr. Saima Iram Copyright (c) 2024 Zoraiz 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 10 2 39 54 10.58932/MULC0027 خطبۂ اقبال "مسلم ثقافت کی روح" کا نیا تناظر : محمدسہیل عمر کی تعبیر کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/zoraiz/article/view/617 <p><em>This study explores the philosophical and cultural insights presented by Allama Muhammad Iqbal in his fifth lecture titled <strong>"The Spirit of Muslim Culture."</strong> Delivered during a time of Muslim decline in British India, Iqbal’s lectures aimed at reviving the intellectual and spiritual heritage of Muslims. The paper reviews key themes, such as the relationship between prophecy and sainthood, the nature of revelation, and the role of Muslim culture in the advancement of human consciousness. It also examines the significance of intellectual dynamism within Islam, contrasting it with static philosophical traditions, and emphasizes Iqbal's call for a rejuvenation of Islamic thought through *ijtihad* (independent reasoning). By critiquing the cultural stagnation and promoting a forward-thinking Islamic philosophy, Iqbal envisioned a revitalized Muslim identity capable of contributing to global progress. The commentary delves into various interpretations by scholars such as Sohail Umar, highlighting both alignment and criticism of Iqbal’s ideas, particularly on prophecy, sainthood, and intellectual inquiry in Islamic tradition.</em></p> Dr. Muhammad Khurram Yasin Copyright (c) 2024 Zoraiz 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 10 2 55 68 10.58932/MULC0028 غالبؔ کا ذوقِ تعلّی https://ojs.mul.edu.pk/index.php/zoraiz/article/view/614 <p><em>The article deals with the Urdu poetic term namely "taa'ali" with special reference to a great classical poet Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib's poetry. It's a term used when a poet expresses his mastery to prove his superiority to others in respect of his poetic ability to any certain language. The tradition of this art is as old as poetry itself. Like poets of other languages the Urdu poets have also used this term to express their excellence and command in poetry. Like ancestors Ghalib has also used this term with unique diversification like his different aspects of poetry and proved himself like his name in this aspect as well.</em></p> Rizwan Khan Bhatti Copyright (c) 2024 Zoraiz 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 10 2 69 93 10.58932/MULC0029