نوجوان نسل میں اخلاقی بگاڑ، اس کے اسباب اور فکرِ اقبال کی روشنی میں ان کا حل
Moral Deterioration in the Young Generation, its causes and Solution in the light of Iqbal's Thought
اخلاق،(Akhlaq)، معاشرہ(Muashra)، نوجوان(Naujwan)، سماج(Samaj)، شاہین (Shaheen)، تہذیب(Tehzeeb)، ثقافت(Sakafat)،امید(Umeed)، مومن(Moumin)، خودی (Khudi)، عشق (Ishq)، میڈیا (Media)۔Abstract
Our young generation is suffering from moral corruption. Our youth is helpless in the face of invasion in the name of Western liberalism, enlightenment, industrial development and technology. They have inherited the western cultural stare; the effects of electronic media, but the effects of internet and social media are adversative.
Lack of moral training, social values, class system of education, unfair economic distribution, unemployment, secularism, promotion of negative thinking, showmanship, absence of collective ideals, dearth of right people, lack of proper guidance and hopelessness is one of the major factors that are highlighted in detail in this paper.
It is also be discussed how all these problems can be overcome through the promotion of Iqbal’s Thought. How can Iqbal's philosophy of the self, the concept of the perfect (P.B.U.H) man and the love of the Prophet bring the young generation closer to religion. Why has Iqbal compared the young man to Shaheen? What qualities must be developed in the young generation to revive the glorious traditions of the Muslim Ummah.