اشفاق احمد کے ادبی و شخصی رویوں پر اٹلی کے اثرات
Effects of Italy on the literary and personal attitudes of Ashfaq Ahmed
خیالات(Thoughts)، شخصیت ( personality)، اثرات (Impacts)، ملازمت (job)، براڈ کاسٹر (broadcaster)، استاد (Teacher)، فلم سازی (Film making)، مشرقی دانش (Eastern Wisdom)، محسور کن (Fascinating)۔Abstract
Ashfaq Ahmad is one of the brightest stars on the horizon on Pakistani Urdu literature. This article explores how Ashfaq Ahmad’s stay in Italy generally, and Rome particularly, impacted his personality and works. It further highlights how the observations and experiences of Rome that had him spell bound till his last breath, broadened the emotional and intellectual vistas of writer par excellence. moreover, his meetings with the intelligentsia of the time and the influence of the Roman culture that shaped his literary and scholastic writings, remain the focus of this paper.
How to Cite
Sadaf, D. S. (2024). اشفاق احمد کے ادبی و شخصی رویوں پر اٹلی کے اثرات: Effects of Italy on the literary and personal attitudes of Ashfaq Ahmed. Zoraiz, 10(2), 13–20. https://doi.org/10.58932/MULC0025