اردو لطائف کا اولین مجموعہ:''لطائف ہندی''از للولال کوی (انیسویں صدی کی اشاعتوں کا تحقیقی تناظر)
The First Collection of Urdu Jokes: ‘Lataif-e-Hindi’ By Lallu Lal Kavi (The Analytical Perspective of 19th Centaury's Editions)
19thCentaury (انیسویں صدی), Fort William College (فورٹ ولیم کالج), Lalu Lal Kavi (للو لال کوی), Lataif -e-Hindi ( لطائف ہندی), Humorist Prose (مزاحیہ نثر)Abstract
In 19th century, Fort William College played a vital pivotal to promote Urdu prose. Lallu Laal Kavi is a prominent name of this college who is the author of many books like Betal Pacheesi, Sanghasan Bateesi and Prem Sagar. His book ‘Lataif e Hindi’ is the earlier collection of humorist stories in Urdu, published in 1810 by Indian Press Calcutta. This article is a research base study of its different editions and comparative study of the criticism that was written about it in different times.
How to Cite
Abbas Ahmar, D. N. (2024). اردو لطائف کا اولین مجموعہ:’’لطائف ہندی’’از للولال کوی (انیسویں صدی کی اشاعتوں کا تحقیقی تناظر): The First Collection of Urdu Jokes: ‘Lataif-e-Hindi’ By Lallu Lal Kavi (The Analytical Perspective of 19th Centaury’s Editions). Zoraiz, 10(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.58932/MULC0024